The Future of Work: A Manifesto

The Future of Work: A Manifesto
In honor of what makes our world go round – WORK – I thought it might be a good time to re-share a Manifesto we put together this year (originally published in May). On this 2012 Labor Day, it might be a unique way to reflect on what got us here and where we may in fact be going. Enjoy…and pass it on!!!!

 There is a lot about the world of work that’s done gone broke. I know that, you know that. We all know that. We know it because we’re all really good at talking about the problems. We blab on and on about them. We point fingers. And when it comes to work, we usually point those fingers at the institution. Rarely do we look at ourselves and ask, “what might I have to do with this problem?”
I spent three days last fall locked in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with some of the brightest cats in the Talent Management, Marketing, Social Media, and Leadership space. We didn’t have any rules and we didn’t have no stinking boundaries. We didn’t really even have an agenda. But we shared the common belief that “work” needed a big old nasty refresh. And we set off to hash that out a bit more. The following Manifesto reflects a lot of what we cooked up during our time together. Yes, it’s long. Manifestos are supposed to be. But it’s only in its infancy and we’ve purposely kept the clay wet so we could further mold it as we gathered feedback from people like you. It reflects the collective thinking of  Joe Gerstandt, Jason Lauritsen, Jamie Notter, Janyne Peek Emsick, Jen Benz, Eric Winegardner, James Papiano, Stuart Chittenden, Mike Wagner, David Ballard, and Maddie Grant, who penned this beauty as only she could.
Read it. Reflect on it. Let it marinate. And then let loose. Share it. Tear it apart. Pile on. Help us fire up this discussion. Join us. Mold the future of work…

HR Fishbowl