Office 365 technology - Remote PowerShell for Lync Online

Since Windows PowerShell was released in 2006, administrators have fully embraced the scripting language for controlling and automating tasks in the Windows operating system and applications that run on Windows, including Lync.  In fact, Lync administrators have come to rely on PowerShell so much that as a product manager for Lync Online, one of the first questions I often get asked at events/conferences is:  "when is PowerShell coming to Lync Online?"
Well today, the Lync Online team is releasing remote PowerShell capabilities to all commercial Office 365 customers.  

What can Office 365 admins do with the new Lync Online remote PowerShell?
Windows PowerShell is a command shell and scripting language that you can use to manage and automate aspects of Lync Online using a command-line instead of the browser based Office 365 admin center.  
For example, to manage mobile phone notifications, also known as push notifications, you can use the Lync admin center.  Push notifications enable the service to send notifications about events, such as new instant messages or new voice mail, to mobile devices such as Windows Phones and iPhones. by